Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010!

Again, I am a month behind in my postings, but I don't let it bother me.
I loved this picture of Marlee because you can tell she just woke up, but she's soooo excited for her first Christmas (at least she acted like she was.)

Christmas morning messes are the best.
You know the books Where's Waldo? This time its Where's Marlee?

The twins spying on the neighbors with their new binocs.
Pillow Pet "Puff"

Pillow Pet "Jazmine" - (Not my idea)

Jed's new shirt.

What does it mean when Jed gets a new shirt for Christmas and I get a compound miter saw?

The twins received a whiteboard/chalkboard easel from my parents.

Marlee playing with her new blankie doll.

We received so many presents from family, but the list is too long for my attention span, but BIG thanks to everyone for making it an amazing Christmas.

We are so blessed in so many ways, not the least by having such wonderful families and of course knowing Him, whose birth we celebrate.

1 comment:

Laura Duce said...

LOL! Guess we know who wears the pants in the family. :0)