Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ice Fishing - Part 1

A little bit ago we went ice fishing up in Idaho. The pictures below is the progress of our outing.

Dad and Rob getting set up.

Wes, happy to be here.

Jed enjoying a day on the ice.
My dad and Cameron trying to coax the fish out of the water.
Wes waiting.

Rob waiting patiently.

Marlee waiting and watching the line.

Rob, still waiting.

Stu waiting.

Wes, STILL waiting....

So did we catch anything?

To be continued........


Kristin said...

I laughed when I saw Marlee watching the line. Then Stu. Then Wes. SO cute! I've always wanted to try ice fishing.

dixon.mary said...

Marlee looks like a little pink penguin :)

camille said...

My dinner rocked that night!!