Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Its the first year my boys are playing soccer and I think its the cutest thing ever.
They've had some rough games and they can get too emotional, but their last game was a huge success so hopefully it carries through.
I tried to upload a video I took, but with no success. I've posted it on my Facebook page instead.


Laura Duce said...

Fun, Fun! I can't wait until we get to take kids to soccer, hopefully. They play lots of games on Sunday's around here. Boooo.

Claire said...

We started Drew is soccer this year too. The pics looks similar to ours other than your boys are all bundled up and we have to continually hydrate Drew so he doesn't get overheated. That's AZ for ya.

camille said...

I am glad last week was a success. I knew they would begin to enjoy it.